Ben playing cello

Private Lessons

In The Art of Practicing, author and pianist Madeline Bruser talks about an art instructor who uses a young student's frustration at being unable to draw an object as an opportunity to teach technique. The child’s creativity combined with a drive to learn created a moment for the teacher to provide essential skills instruction.

Guided by Ms. Bruser’s example, I create a rich and rewarding experience for each student. What inspires and motivates one student may not work for another. The goal: nuture each student’s individual creativity and curiosity. The result: create the optimal learning environment.

Cello lessons

When most students first pick up the cello they enroll in programs that are typically centered around classical music. Students become well-versed in great symphonic works and the rigors of orchestra auditions. This can be a rewarding experience for many. But for some it is overwhelming. Not exposed to other musical genres, they find themselves unsure of what they want – what they like to play, how to express themselves through their instrument. Some begin to wonder why they chose the cello in the first place.

My cello lessons

They cover everything from Bach to Stevie Wonder to original music written by the student. What ties it all together is the sensational, incomparable experience of tapping into one’s innermost well of creativity. Each lesson is designed to enhance musical discovery while teaching technical fundamentals and honing skill.

Private lessons anywhere in the Dallas-Fort Worth area

For the past 11 years I’ve worked with students of all ages, from five to 50. For more information or to set up a private lesson, contact me at